Deutsche Version
Zimmer mit Küche

Hotel Engelhof - rooms with breakfast

The hotel Engelhof is located in the south/west of Munich in the so called "5 lakes county" at the lake starnberg. The rapid-train is easy to reach by foot and joins the hotel to Munich Centre (40 min.).

Doppelzimmer im Hotel Engelhof

Our rooms contain bath/shower, ws, TV, radio and balcony. (more pictures)

Frühstück im Hotel Engelhof

Enjoy our generous breakfast every morning. (more pictures)

Our prices

Depending on season and availability:
single from 72 Euro
double & twin from 105 Euro
Please ask for our rates in the Oktoberfest-Season.

You can ask for and reservate a room via eMail or phone. Please take notice, that you will get a confirmation if you reservate via eMail.
Tel.: +49 81 58 30 61
With great pleasure we look forward to your visit.

On these pages you find further English information about the surroundings:

Hotel Engelhof, Heinrich-Vogl-Str. 9, Tutzing am Starnberger See, 08158-3061,, Imprint & Data privacy policy (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr)